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Pure Storage End of Sale Notifications

Written on: Nov 28, 2024 9:59:54 AM

Written by: Alex Raben


[Data Infrastructure, Data Centre, Pure Storage]

This month, Pure Storage has announced three important end-of-sale notifications for their products.

Products included in the announcement are:

  • 48TB DirectFlash Modules used in the FlashBlade//S and FlashBlade//E
  • First Generation DirectFlash Shelf
  • NVIDIA CX5 25G and 100G HBA cards on FlashArray//XL

Below are further details of each announcement and the relevant dates for you to be aware of.

End of Sale Notification: 48TB DirectFlash Modules used in the FlashBlade//S and FlashBlade//E Product Lines

Pure Storage is announcing the end of sale of 48TB DirectFlash Modules (DFMs) used in our FB//S and FB//E product lines. This decision aligns with advancements in NAND Flash generations and the successful introduction of our next-generation 75TB QLC DirectFlash Modules in April alongside Purity//FB 4.3.4. 

  • End of Sale: April 30, 2025
  • End of Support: April 2030

Please connect with your COOLSPIRiT Account Manager to determine optimal replacement configurations for your Pure implementation. Please also ask for an overview of the end-of-product cycle and for all FlashBlade products where required. 

End of Sale Notification: First Generation DirectFlash Shelf

With the release of the DirectFlash Shelf Generation 2 (DFSG2) in May, availability with Purity versions 6.6.3 (Feature Release) and 6.5.4 (Long Life Release), Pure Storage will conclude the sale of the first-generation DirectFlash Shelf.

  • Availability for Purchase: Through May 2, 2025, as part of standard configurations for FA//XL, FA//X R4, FA//E, FA//C R4, and data packs with "Add Shelf" modifiers (e.g., -add DFS1, add SH0 to SH1) unless noted otherwise.
  • Transition Date: As of May 4, 2025, all FlashArray configurations including a shelf will incorporate the DFSG2, with no change to marketing SKUs
  • End of Support: May 2030

For a complete list of affected SKUs please contact your COOLSPIRiT Account Manager.

End of Sale Notification: NVIDIA CX5 25G and 100G HBA cards on FlashArray//XL

HPE will continue to offer these EOL models until July 31st 2023. Base array upgrades (controllers, capacity, cache, shelves, networking etc.) will be offered for an additional 3 years while hardware and software support will be available until the end of engineering support on July 31st 2028.

Pure Storage will conclude the sale of NVIDIA CX5 25G and 100G HBA cards for FlashArray//XL systems. This affects new system shipments and customers ordering FlashArray//XL. 

25G CX5 HBA Cards: 

  • End of Sale: April 30, 2025
  • End of Support: April 30, 2030

100G CX5 HBA Cards: 

  • End of Sale: April 1, 2025
  • End of Support: April 1, 2030

These cards will be replaced by next-generation NVIDIA CX6 25G and 100G HBA cards, ensuring improved performance and future-proofing your customers' investments.  As of the respective End of Sale dates, all new FlashArray//XL system configurations sold after the End of Sale dates will incorporate NVIDIA CX6 HBA cards, with corresponding new marketing SKUs.

For a complete list of affected SKUs please contact your COOLSPIRiT Account Manager.

If you require assistance on the above, please contact your Account Management Team directly for information on the next steps to take. Alternatively, call 01246 454 222 or email hello@coolspirit.co.uk.

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