The World Land Trust have recently released their Impact Report for 2023, detailing the amazing results of their efforts.
As a supporting partner, we are excited to highlight some key parts of the report, showcasing our pride in being a part of the impactful work that benefits our planet as a whole.
You can read the full report here.
World Land Trust's 2023 in Focus
2023 brought many successes, such as meeting our goals of connecting priority habitats and maintaining forests within WLT-backed reserves for a third year running. We met five of the nine Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set out in our Strategic Plan.
One 2025 target had even already been previously achieved in 2022, when we surpassed the goal of working with 36 active partners. That number grew again with five new partners in 2023, taking us to a total of 52. We received reports of 1,368 species recorded in 2023 by our partners that had not previously been found within WLT-supported project areas, 22 of which are globally threatened1.
As multiple plans were finalised for 2024, we are confident that WLT is on track to meet its strategic goals. The ambitious challenge our goals present reflects WLTs commitment to increase our impact beyond what is comfortable and strive for far- reaching change. Because of the generosity and conviction of our supporters, the following pages will show an array of projects securing and restoring land to save some of the most rare and vulnerable habitats on the planet.
WLT’s achievements and performance in 2023
Total priority land saved
In 2023, WLT saved 152,205 ha of priority land, 74,987 ha (49%) of which was funded solely by WLT. A further 87,034 ha was co-funded and 184 ha leveraged. Though we did not meet our KPI for 2023, as with the previous year, WLT is engaged in supporting several land acquisitions that have a time-lag between raising and committing funding to a partner, and the land then being legally acquired and counting towards the KPI. We have a pipeline of committed acquisitions which means we remain confident of meeting our 2025 target.
Total Priority Habitats Connected
In 2023 WLT supported three corridors: two as part of the Canandé project (bridging the gap between partner properties and the Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve), and one in the A Rocha Dakatcha Nature Reserve project (a corridor between partner properties). An additional area of 2,318 ha was brought into WLT’s contiguous network by these three corridors.
Biodiversity Maintained in WLT-Backed Reserves
WLT’s partners reported information on over 430 populations of key indicator species at 73 reserves that WLT has helped to establish, with partners monitoring the ongoing presence of species at these sites. This includes data for more than 200 species that are globally threatened (classified as Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable by the IUCN). In 2023, this monitoring produced an average population persistence figure of 97.15%, marginally below our KPI target of 98%. We will be following up with partners and their species monitoring in 2024 and 2025 to determine if there is an identifiable reason behind the fall in this KPI.

We feel so strongly about the protection of habitats and the climate, which is why we place a tree for every order you make with COOLSPIRiT. You can read more about our partnership here.
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